Banning books and the effects on education

To many, book banning and burnings probably seem like an issue found in small towns in movies like Footloose, but since the publishing of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in the 1880s, the banning of books has been a part of our society. Challenged classics, like To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men, to modern stories continue to face backlash from parents and organizations who want to implement their beliefs in schools.

Curtis Jackson speaks with Ashley Perez, literature professor at Ohio State University and author of the banned book, “Out Of Darkness,” to talk about book banning and the effect that it’s having on children in education.

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Our political system can feel like a complicated and gridlocked machine that we have little ability to influence. The truth is, you CAN change things when you know how. Enter Spectrum News 1 Anchor Curtis Jackson, who brings to the table decades of experience covering political news and events. Join him for meaningful conversations with decision-makers that will give you the tools you need to make your voice heard on the most important issues we face in Ohio.

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