Funding formula leaves USA $120K short of fiscal expectations | News, Sports, Jobs

SALINEVILLE — The latest funding formula will leave the Utica Shale Academy about $120,000 short of expectations in this fiscal year.

“We have to keep an eye on spending,” said Robert Barrett, fiscal officer. “We are trying to evolve this program into something that is worthwhile for these kids so that they have a career that they can go into when they graduate.”

Barrett said after analyzing the latest school funding figures for the U.S.A., which emphasizes career training and assistance for students needing to recover credits in order to graduate, he has determined the latest funding formula does not take into account the growth the school has seen in the last couple years.

The school funding formula for the state is basing numbers on the number of students involved in career tech during the fiscal year 2020, instead of the current enrollment figures in 2022. Barrett said the school only had six to eight kids involved in career tech at that time, but now there are about 70.

Barrett said he has questioned if there will be a correction for the school’s growth and told there is not one planned for this fiscal year.

During Monday’s meeting, the U.S.A. board approved a resolution to join the GRADS Coalition, which provides schools dropout prevention and recovery schools a voice in Columbus.

The board also approved a long-term contract for Superintendent William Watson, from fiscal years 2023-2027. Watson said his pay rate is based on the same percentage increases as the teachers. Watson also asked the board to allow him to join and attend the American Association of School Administrators conference later this month in Nashville, Tenn.

The school will break ground on an outdoor welding lab in the next few weeks, a steel building that will have lean-to bays of the side where students will be able to learn to weld outside in the elements. Dr. Warren Glen, who supports the school as a sponsor through the Ohio Department of Education, questioned the security aspects of the building with discussion turning to cameras that will be monitoring the building and possible security alarms for the building, which will be built within sight distance of the Salineville police department.

Plans are also approved now for the indoor welding lab planned for the basement of the Utica Shale Academy school housed in the Hutson Building.

Watson also talked about future equity grants for next year with the continued symbiotic relationship with Southern Local and the potential partnership in the works with someone in the northern part of the county, but declined to further name the organization.

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Read More: Funding formula leaves USA $120K short of fiscal expectations | News, Sports, Jobs