Columbus New Year 1922: Weather, calendar dampened celebration

This editorial cartoon welcomed in the new year to readers of The Columbus Sunday Dispatch on January 1, 1922.

The new year of 1922 came to Columbus a bit on the quiet side.

Part of the reason for the diminished welcome was due to the weather. A relatively pleasantly cold day on December 31, 1921, turned into a very cold day with temperatures dropping to 12 degrees in the city. This was accompanied by light snow and flurries in downtown Columbus but with more than 2 inches of snow in nearby suburbs such as Grandview Heights.

Further complicating celebrations, New Years Day fell on a Sunday, prompting Monday, Jan. 2 to be a legal holiday for most government workers and for a number of private employers as well.

While local churches were more easily filled for Watch Night services on New Year’s Eve, many other residents with fireworks in hand were unsure as to which night to set them off. To that end, a bit of celebrating was at hand on both nights.

Read More: Columbus New Year 1922: Weather, calendar dampened celebration