COSI kicks off week-long virtual science festival

Arabidopsis seedlings, growing at Ohio State University, will be one subject of a session at the COSI Science Festival on Friday.

As part of a virtual festival that begins Wednesday, families can catch a ride on the International Space Station (sort of), watch hot lava form (kind of), and take a 360-degree tour of a futuristic research lab for plants (definitely) — all to illustrate principles of science.

While a little imagination will be needed for Friday’s expedition to space, presenters at the 1:30 p.m. virtual trip will discuss the station’s National Lab and some of the amazing science that happens beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

It’s one of the many virtual events in the third annual COSI Science Festival, which runs through Saturday. All of the events found at focus on expanding the role of science in real life and are geared toward all ages, including adults.

Read More: COSI kicks off week-long virtual science festival