This online store with the viral Short North sweatshirts launches next month – 614NOW

It was a fundraiser for the Short North Alliance that launched Susie Wroble on a path to found High Street Collective, an online store that launches May 3.

Wroble in January launched a fundraiser to help pandemic-challenged businesses in her neighborhood, selling 450 collegiate-inspired, Short North graphic crewneck sweatshirts to raise $6,022 for the Short North Alliance.

Now, Wroble is officially launching her own online store, offering a variety of sweatshirts, tees, and sweat shorts with the plan to bring even more products online in the future. Items are designed by her and printed by Pop’s Printed Apparel.

“Our goal is to design quality products that celebrate the vibrant neighborhoods and people that make our city amazing,” Wroble said.


The launch will primarily include Short North apparel, but the website also features a German Village tee. Wroble said she plans to create items for lots of different Columbus neighborhoods.

“Each neighborhood is so unique and brings so much to our city,” she said. “My main focus is Short North, since that is where I live and where the original idea for the initial fundraiser came from.”

She’ll also continue to focus on philanthropy, giving 10% of proceeds to nonprofit organizations including the Short North Alliance and the Columbus chapter of I Support The Girls.

“We are inspired by the work these organizations do and the impact they have on our community,” Wroble said.

Read More: This online store with the viral Short North sweatshirts launches next month – 614NOW