Let us hope marketing by JobsOhio is effective | News, Sports, Jobs

Ohio is a flyover state. People traveling between the East and West coasts know about thte major professional sports teams and a few big attractions (there’s a nice plug every year when Canton hosts the National Football League Hall of Fame ceremonies). They know about the three Cs: Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. But even then, they don’t know much.

A JobsOhio effort is looking to change that, with a marketing campaign that places advertisements in the hearts of major cities. In Seattle: “Live where you can actually save for a rainy day.” In New York City’s Times Square, passersby are asked to look up “cost of living in Ohio vs NYC.”

Aside from being cute reminders that there is quality of life outside the big cities, this is part of a campaign called “Ohio is for Leaders.” As companies have spent the last year learning just how many of their employees can work remotely, JobsOhio was right to seize on the opportunity.

“Ohio can capitalize on this migration from the coasts,” said J.P. Nauseef, JobsOhio president and CEO. “Not only people are leaving, but capital and business.”

All that effort is wasted if Ohio lawmakers don’t keep working toward making Ohio the kind of place people want to move or stay. Ohio’s communities are certainly ready to welcome fresh voices and new faces. If this is enough to spark such a movement, kudos to the folks at JobsOhio for taking that step.

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Read More: Let us hope marketing by JobsOhio is effective | News, Sports, Jobs