Fairfield partners with Springdale to repave southern part of Ohio 4

Ohio 4 is expected to be paved in 2023, which will give that section around 15 years of renewed life.

Once Choice One’s design plans are completed, the project will be bid for construction in late 2022 and construction will primarily take place the following year. The work includes milling the nearly 2-mile stretch of Ohio 4 (about a third is in Springdale), then repaving the road. It also includes applying pavement markings, concrete curb replacement, and adjusting as needed the sanitary manholes and water valves.

The construction project, which is expected to be around $2.76 million, will receive funding from the Ohio Department of Transportation, which will end up being around 60 percent of the total project price, Mann said. Springdale’s portion will be about 13 to 15 percent of the total cost of the project.

Fairfield received permission from ODOT to administer this project, which is required the administration of federal funds as Ohio 4 is part of the National Highway System.

Read More: Fairfield partners with Springdale to repave southern part of Ohio 4