Suspend UVM administration, not the students

I understand that this pandemic is real and not a hoax and over 500,000 Americans have died.

However, the rules imposed upon the student community who live on campus under the guise to protect them and the community from Covid-19 is discriminatory and must stop immediately. The actions taken by UVM completely ignore the mental health of the UVM student body. Granted the current pandemic is hurting the mental health of everyone, but it is significantly worse for students at UVM because of the administrations rules, cruelty and indifference.

The rules for the students who live on campus are discriminatory. They are applying one standard to the students and another to the people who work at UVM, whether in the administration, as professors or other employees.

Do the administrators that are making up these draconian rules or the professors coming to campus, share a car with a non-household member? Or allow anyone into their homes, such as a delivery or cleaning person, a tradesman to fix plumbing, relatives or friends during Thanksgiving or Christmas or play-dates for their children? Are they forced to sit six feet away from everyone at their dinner table and limited to eat with only one person? Have they signed the Green & Gold Promise where instead of being suspended they are fired if they violate the rules? Of course not. They are hypocrites.

Apply the same standards to everyone and let’s see the reactions of the people in power when their rights are trampled upon.

Matt Knight

Connecticut parent of a UVM student

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