LETTER: The socialists take over Nevada’s Democratic Party

Hello (echo), is anyone here? That’s what Judith Whitmer and her band of merry socialists must have thought when they walked into the state Democratic office this week (State Democratic Party’s staff resigns,” Wednesday Review-Journal).

I, a registered Republican, was shocked to learn that the Nevada Democrats lost their hold on the party to progressives led by Ms. Whitmer. Her resume, which includes being a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, helped her beat out the bleeding heart liberal Tick Segerblom, a Clark County commissioner. Shocking.

The Review-Journal story says the new team walked into a completely empty office. The entire staff plus contractors had all resigned. The bank account was pretty much emptied and sent to the national Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. If it weren’t so scary it would be laughable.

Apparently, the progressives are trying to unseat the Democrats in our state. The first item of business after raising money will be to put their agenda first, which means we should see some pretty interesting people on the ballot come 2022.

I implore all Democrats (real ones) to please be aware that the inmates are running the asylum. Their idea of inclusion was to post on Twitter. The Democratic logo transformed with the state’s shape into a blade of a guillotine.

Read More: LETTER: The socialists take over Nevada’s Democratic Party